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What is free word association?
Test Your Compatibility

Free word association was a key part of Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. In a word association test, you are presented with a series of words. For each word, you must respond with the first other word that comes to mind. Freud believed that such responses provided clues to peoples' personalities and unconscious thought.
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In this game, you play with your partner, saying the first thing that comes to mind to each of you after reading the word! You can answer at the same time, or take turns, it’s up to you. Input the answers in the text fields and get your own personalised analysis for each word.
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After you have done an amount of words you are happy with, you can see how compatible you are with your partner by using our compatibility analysis tool!
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If you own the Adventure and Game Book For Couples, you know what’s up. If not, you can play with a random set of words! *** Our analyst is Dr. Arthur Ingham (AKA, AI, Artificial Intelligence). He is known to be a bit cooky sometimes, so take his words with a grain of salt. This game is meant to have fun and discuss the topics and words proposed, not to give you certified therapy! With that disclaimer out of the way, enjoy. ***
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