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Love Happens Every Day

It started with Christmas, and became a cherished tradition. We discovered that love isn't measured by grandiosity: it's in the little things. Lovepons was crafted as a way to enable and cultivate these moments, and we are delighted to share our loving ritual with you.

Our Core Values


In a world where love is often equated with material gifts, we stand for a more sustainable expression of care. Our coupons champion activities and shared experiences over physical possessions, nurturing relationships with memories rather than things. This approach not only fosters deeper connections but also ensures that acts of love are inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of financial means.

A Simple, Loving, Startup

We just wanted to give each other thoughtful Christmas gifts. And Fiona (who loves to doodle and write) could think of nothing that Patrick might need (what to give the man who has it all). So she came up with a little booklet, with 24 coupons for each day of advent. He was so excited to reveal a new coupon every day, that it felt like Christmas all month long. It became our little tradition, and it has brought such excitement into our lives that we knew we needed to turn it into an app and share it with the world (we also mostly made it for us!).

Decorative Playful

Who Is Behind Lovepons?

We are Fiona and Patrick, your every day couple. She is an Industrial Engineer/Product Designer from Argentina, and he is an iOS developer from Germany. We went through a long distance relationship, cultural differences which sometimes seemed impossible to surmount, and major life changes together. We made it through by laughing and learning about love, together.

Pre-order The Best Couples Activities Book now, we remind you when it is available.

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